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New Brooklyn Warehouse, “Red Hook” to be built by 365体育平台

A new warehouse is to be built on 270 Richards St, Brooklyn, NY by Thor Equities. March Associates Construction is the project manager, Ware Malcomb is the Architect and DeSimone is the Engineer.

Read full article on CPExecutive.com here, where we obtained this project information.

March has been involved in the site work for this project for 6+ years and is excited to take part in moving the project forward. Thor purchased the land in 2005 with initial plans for a nearly 800,000-square-foot office development with additional retail space. In early 2019, Thor shifted toward an industrial approach and announced plans for the last-mile warehouse facility.

Red Hook warehouse will include:

  • 130,200 rentable square feet of distribution space
  • 21,300 square feet of office and utilities space
  • 160,600 square feet of rooftop parking
  • 28 loading docks
  • 128-foot truck court
  • 157 street-level parking spaces
  • Parking deck above the warehouse for 234 fleet vehicles

Click Here to see photos of early site work on this property completed by March.

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